Thursday, 20 June 2013

Lecture excerpts from Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja's class on Nirjala Ekadasi from Lokarno, Switzerland on 20th June 2013.

Excerpts from HH Bhakti Charu Swami Guru Maharaj's class on Nirjala Ekadasi from Lokarno, Switzerland on 20th June 2013.  

·        There are 26 Ekadasis :  24 in 12 months +2 (Purusottam mas)
·         14th Ekadasi takes place in the month of Jyestha (Summer)
·         This is hot season.
·         Nirjala: Ekadasi which is meant to be fasted without even drinking water.
·         In ISKCON Prabhupada did not set such lofty standard, since he had to deal with many westerners as well.
·         Every Ekadasi is meant to be fasted without drinking water.
·         Bhima had difficulty observing Ekadasi.
·         Another name of Bhima is Vrkodara, he is very famous for his appetite.
·         When Pandavas were in disguise, hiding in Ekacakra, half of the food collected was taken by Bhima.
·         Vyasdeva gave this concession to Bhima. By fasting on Nirjala Ekadasi properly, you will get the benefit of fasting in all Ekadasis in the year.
·         Even one should acamana very carefully.
·         Caranamrta also should be taken very carefully.
·         One should not try to take advantage of these things--taking more than required.
·         Brahma muhurta to Brahma muhurta--full benefit
·         Fasting full Day-- half benefit
·         We should be very careful. Ekadasi is an arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to free us from the sinful reactions.
·         We should take full advantage of this day.
·         Nirjala means without water.
·         Ekadasi means eleventh. Eleventh day of the movement of the moon.
·         Vedic calculation is based on the movement of the moon, while western one is based on the sun.
·         A month consists of 30 days, 15 days-waxing period of the moon, and 15 days-waning period of the moon.
·         Brahma-vaivarta Purana: Along with creation also came sins (people started to behave in the wrong way)
·         All the sins personified in the form of Papa Purusa, responsible for giving miseries through sinful activities.
Causes of body parts of Papa Purusa:
·         Killing a brahmana--> Head
·         Taking intoxication--> Eyes
·         Stealing gold--> Mouth
·         Sexual intercourse with wife of the Guru--> nose
·         Krishna also created Yamraj, meant to judge the living entities according to his sinful activities.
·         Subtle body is the embodiment of the sinful activities.
·         The living entity does not want to lose the body, so yamadutas whip and drag the subtle body out of the gross body.
·         Devotees do not need to worry about that, since they have taken shelter of Krishna.
·         Yamraj asks yamadutas not to trouble them.
·         Even if devotees go to Yamaraj they are happy to greet him as a mahajan.
·         Yamaraj's clerk is Citragupta, who keeps a record of all the sinful activities.
·         So we should be very careful, our activities are getting recorded.
·         Once Krishna visited Yamaraj, who was very pleased to greet Krishna and washed His feet.
·         At that time Krishna heard the terrible cries of humans from the southern side.
·         Yamaraj told Him that the sinful living entities were getting punished.
·         Krishna went to see how the living entities were getting tortured due to their sinful activities.
·         Krishna decided, I must do something to alleviate their suffering.
·         He created a personality, a beautiful young woman--Ekadasi. She is Krishna's internal potency.
·         Krishna arranged that if anyone fasts on this day, he will be free from all his sinful reactions.
·         BG: sarva dharman parityajya
·         Similarly Ekadasi is another such arrangement of Krishna to free the living entities of all their sinful reactions.
·         Dharma-sastra:  Just observe Ekadasi and be free from all sinful reactions.
·         Because there were no sins the Papa purusa was dying.
·         So when Visnu saw this, He asked him why you are in this condition.
·         Sin: You are creator, so it is Your responsibility to maintain me. Because of Ekadasi, there are no more sins.
·         Krishna: From now on all the sins on the Ekadasi day will enter into the food-grains.
·         When the crops become ripe the plant dies and grains come.
·         eg. wheat, rice, maize, pulses, beans
·         They fall in the category of grains
·         For the sake of Papa purusa Krishna made this arrangement that all the sins will enter into grains.
·         Even if a person has not committed sins, still he gets them.
·         So that is why we so strictly observe not taking grains.
·         Devotees should be very careful not to take grains on this day.
·         Ekadasi is also known as Hari-vasara--day of Hari since it is so dear to Hari.
·         Hari: Supreme Personality of Godhead, vasara: day
·         One who observes Ekadasi immensely pleases Krishna.
·         There was a demon called Mura. He was so powerful that he defeated all the demigods and assumed the control of the universe.
·         Being completely disturbed the demigods approached Lord Siva and asked him to help them.
·         Lord Siva: You can go to the SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD--Jagannath (Lord of the Universe)

·         They went to Jagannath. He became very very angry, who dares to interfere in My arrangement.
·         Mura was extremely powerful and was also supported by millions of other asuras.
·         He counterattacked the demigods, who were unable to confront them.
·         The demons then attacked the only person standing there--Hari.
·         He released one weapon that killed many demons.
·         Mura decided to confront Him.
·         The leader themselves go forward.
·         When Lord's weapons were no longer effective, he started to fight with bare hands.
·         The Lord retreated to Badrikasram and went to a cave called Himavati (completely covered by ice)
·         Chasing Him Mura also entered the cave and found the Lord sleeping. He decided to attack and kill Him.
·         When he was about to attack, a beautiful woman appeared and stopped him.
·         A battle ensued between them. Mura's weapons were ineffective.
·         He started to fight with bare hands.
·         Vedic tradition: When enemy loses weapons, one also throws his weapons.
·         With her sharp weapon she cut the head of Mura and killed him.
·         When the Lord woke up He asked, who are you?
·         She narrated the whole story.
·         Lord: Even I could not kill Mura, you have protected Me. You ask for any boon.
·         Beautiful woman: From now on, whoever observes the austerities on this day, please free him of all sinful reactions.
·         Utpanna Ekadasi: She appeared on this day.
·         utpanna means generated
·         It is good for health also. Our system gets complete rest. We have a tendency to overeat.
·         The fire of digestion burns the undigested food and then starts burning the toxins also.
·         Our purpose should be to fast for spiritual benefit.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

My Father Is The Best by HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj

"Prabhupada used to say, “These Mayavadis they are so dry. They say don’t  eat, but we say eat as much as possible, mahaprasada.” Akantha puriya karo  prasada sevana. Now tell me, who is more fortunate: those who are not eating  or those who are eating? [laughter] So all their efforts, all their activities are so painful, so miserable, source of sufferings. They are  missing out on that. They are missing out on the loving exchange. They  cannot possibly have a loving exchange. How can you love something that  doesn’t have any consciousness, that doesn’t have any shape, that doesn’t have any form? So not only He has shape, He is the source of consciousness.He is a personality. He is a person and then we get to know the qualities of  that person. Oh, He is so beautiful! He is so strong. He is so powerful. He is so wise. He is so famous and He is so rich. Isn’t it wonderful to have a  relationship with a person like that? In simple words we can say, “Won’t it be wonderful to have a father?” Don’t we want to have a father who is the  richest, who is the most richest, who is the most powerful? Won’t you be  proud to have a father like that? And yes, we have a father. We have a father. The only thing is that we forgot about Him. We forgot our  relationship with Him. When we were young didn’t we think, “Oh, my father is the best.” [laughs] And in our reality our father IS the best. He is the best father! He is the richest, He is the wisest, He is the most powerful,  He is the most caring. And when we have the shelter of such a father, then why should we worry about anything?"

His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami, excerpt from lecture on SB 3.9.21, 9th
February 2009, Ujjain, India

Monday, 7 January 2013

H.H.Bhakti Charu Swami gave Bhagavad-gita class @ ISKCON Brisbane on 22nd December, 2012

Excerpts from the class.
  • As it is: the way Krsna spoke and the way Arjuna understood it.
  • Basic Qualification: bhaktosi me sakha cheti, rahasyam hyetad uttamam
  • Secret of understanding bhagavad gita: devotion to Krsna.
  • Criteria of revelation: devotion to God.
  • When the father is wanting the son to come back, he makes the path/door easy to open.
  • A devotee prayer: Please allow me to love you, please allow me to serve you, please allow me to go back to you.
  • Sun God's son is Vaivasvata Manu, this knowledge thus came to Earth planet. Lord Ramchandra's dynasty is known as Ikshwaku dynasty. King Ikshwaku is the son of Vaivasvata Manu.
  • Vedic expression are Devata and Bhagavan. Westerners thought Hinduism was polytheistic, whereas God is only one, Krsna, Krsnastu Bhagavan Swayam
  • Therefore Hinduism is monotheistic with Krsna as Supreme Personality of Godhead.

H.H.Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj gave Initiation lecture @ ISKCON Sydney on 29th December, 2012

Excerpts from the lecture.
  • Hare Krsna Mahamantra doesn't depend on diksha.
  • dékñä-puraçcaryä-vidhi apekñä nä kare, jihvä-sparçe ä-caëòäla sabäre uddhäre
  • dékñä-käle bhakta kare ätma-samarpaëa, sei-käle kåñëa täre kare ätma-sama
  • Diksha is a process of official surrender to the representative of Krsna.
  • Two needs of diksha. 1. to receive the mantra, 2. an official surrender to Krsna, accepted in the line of Srila Jiva Goswami
  • Holy name is Krsna, but what makes the holy name not Krsna are offences.
  • What does it mean to chant without offences? To meditate or focus the mind on the sound vibration. How to meditate on that? By listening carefully. Be very careful and attentive about hearing. When there are offences it is offensive chanting, then clearing stage and then comes pure chanting. Holy name is Krsna when it is pire chanting.
  • Offensive chanting is chanting the offences, not the holy name but just the syllables.: Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura
  • Read Srila Prabhupada's books very carefully and regularly.
  • Iskcon is Srila Prabhupada's ashram. He did not handover the ashram to anyone. He wanted the GBC to manage Iskcon. Don't ever think that Srila Prabhupada is not here. Srila Prabhupada is here through his books, his devotees, his temples and Iskcon itself.
The names of the initiated disciples are HG Prabhas Krsna das, Hg Radha Vandana devi dasi and HG Manasi Radhika devi dasi.

PS: In the context of Srila Prabhupada's succession Guru Maharaj also made a point once that Srila Prabhupada said all his followers will have his legacy. Guru Maharaj pointed out that he used the word followers not disciples. So whoever follows Srila Prabhupada will have his legacy and not just his disciples.

H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj gave lecture on Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura's Disappearance day celebration @ HG Rajasekhara Prabhus new home on 1st January, 2013

Excerpts from the class.
  • Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very popular. some unscrupulous people said breaking the four regulative principles was Caitanya Mahaprabhus teaching. so the educated Bengali community had nothing to do with His teachings. As a result His teachings and His Dhama both appeared due to these Apasampradayas.
  • Dasavatara Stotra is the Mangalacarana to Gita Govinda of Srila Jayadeva Goswami.
  • Bauls have their annual festival at Bindutal (birthplace of Jayadeva Goswami).
  • Buddhism means voidism or nothingness.
  • Sankarcharya's version: sarvam khalvidam bhrama. Nirvana means merging in brahmajyoti called Kevaladwaitvada or absolute non dualism.
  • He established impersonalism to defeat voidism of Buddhists.
  • Ramanujacharya established special non dualism or Vishista Adwaitvada. Visnuswami established Dwaitdwaitavada.
  • Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu made a perfect harmony by establishing Acintya Bhedabheda Tattva.
  • Symptoms of Acintya: what exists exactly beyond the material domain is Acintya.
  • Living entities are under the internal potency of Krsna.
  • In order to give exclusive credit to Srila Prabhupada Caitanya Mahaprabhu made his teachings disappear alongwith His Dhama.
  • Srila Prabhupada to Jayadayal Dalmiya: Send your grand children to Vrindavana Gurkula and make them a brahmana. Modern education is just to get a job, sudra.
  • A Vaisnava can be recognized by his attachment to Krsna.
  • Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura was very English in his ways and deliberately wrote so difficult English so that even the Britishers would have to sit with a dictionary to understand his writings. He did all this so that they would no longer look down upon Indians.
  • He instructed Srila Prabhupada when he was just a young married man with a wife and children and was a manager of India's first pharmaceutical company Dr. Bose's laboratory. 
  • He preached vigorously and established 64 Gaudiya Mathas across the important cities of India over a short span of 12 years.
  • He founded The August Assembly and remained its only celibate member till his last breath.

H.H.Bhakti Charu Swami gave class on [SB 5.19.1] 29th December, 2012 @ ISKCON Sydney, Australia

Excerpts from the class.

5th canto deals with descriptions of planetary system.
  • 1. Sarga: creation
  • 2. Visarga: secondary creation
  • If Krsna is builder then Brahma is the interior decorator.
  • 3. Sthanam: planetary systems (each universe has 14) comparison to the basement for 7 lower planetary systems. Cables as snakes, light bulbs as jewels, electricity as subtle fire. Snakes are famous for their fire. Poison is liquid fire.
  • Inhaling, exhaling and retaining form the 3 aspects of breathing. When excited we breath fast and when we are calm we breath slowly.
  • Svedeja: born from sweat, Udwijas: born from seeds, Andjas: born from eggs, Jarayujas: born from embryo i.e. animals and humans.
  • In our body which is constituted the Kaph is the water aspect, Pitta is the fire aspect and Vayu is the air aspect.
  • Out of the 5 elements of the material nature middle 3 i.e. water, fire and air are the most important.
  • Pitta is pancreas: derives bile the fire aspect, similarly breathing is the air aspect.
  • Apanvayu deals with excretion, Vyan deals with nervous system. Saman deals with equilibrium, Prana deals with respiratory system.
  • 6. Manavantara: Different Manus.
  • 7. Isanukatha: Actions of Supreme Personality of Godhead.
  • 8. Virodha: Cessation of existence in material nature.
  • 9. Mukti: Liberation from material bondage.
  • 10. Asraya: Supreme shelter (Srila Prabhupada translated Summum Bonum)
  • A king's man in the prison is his agent. Even if one is a prisoner and he applies to the king for redemption; then if a person is sincerely praying then although he may be living in the prison he is a king's man.
  • A devotee's prayer is: My Lord, please forgive me. I know I made a mistake and I will not do it again. Then king may not free him immediately but he may be recognized as a suitable candidate for freedom and is treated as King's man. This prisoner then can indoctrinate others as well, that look I surrendered and I am getting all the facilities. Why don't you surrender as well?
  • Guru Maharaj to Srila Prabhupada: I don't know Krsna, but I know you Srila Prabhupada and I offer myself to you.
  • When a child is born he doesn't have to worry about his needs, his father takes care, but if the child creates his own problem who can help him.
  • Don't do it half heartedly, do it in the best possible way. Do it in a first class way, then first class people will come. Do things in such a way that you will be proud to be a part of this institution.
Q: How to make an application before the king for redemption?
A: By chanting His Holy Names. Praying O the all attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. O the pleasure giving potency of the Lord. Please deliver me from this suffering condition. Please allow me to serve you.

Q: What is the best way to approach the king?
A: Not approaching the king directly, but the queen is very compassionate. Best way to approach king of kings is through His queen. His pleasure potency Srimati Radharani. King may be busy but the queen says that here is a very good devotee and the king accepts him thus.

Q: Srila Prabhupada write in last verse of SB !st canto third chapter that way to see Krsna in every word of Srimad Bhagavatam is by hearing from a person in prampara with rapt attention. How do we find Krsna in the 5th canto via the descriptions of the universe?
A: We should be very careful about guarding our faith. If descriptions of 5th canto don't make sense, we may skip them and take the blame upon us that it is due to our limited perception that I can't understand it. Bhakti Vinoda Thakura said 5th canto is a trap for the materialists, so that they get bewildered by these descriptions and don't go beyond.

Q: What is the best way to approach the queen?
A: The best way to approach the queen is through her girlfriend i.e. spiritual master.

Q: How does one guard one's faith?
A: To guard our faith always remain in association of devotees. But the association should be sajatiya, satavara and snigdha humble and caring not agitating.

Q: This is the highest thing but we have not seen Srila Prabhupada, how do we advance?
A: Never think that Srila Prabhupada is not here, he is here, through Iskcon. If someone comes to Iskcon, Srila Prabhupada will naturally take care of him. If this is the highest thing you have found then commit yourself fully.

Q: How do we surrender to Srila Prabhupada?
A: Sincerely following the process is non-different from dedicating oneself to Srila Prabhupada.

Q: Many a times there are difficulties in our devotional lives how to deal with them?
A: Don't deal with difficulties by yourself. If opportunity is there, go and dump your responsibilities and difficulties on the devotee you depend and rely upon. If you feel that your spiritual master is giving you trouble then you can go to Srila Prabhupada and tell him look this is what he has done to me. Grandfather is more merciful to his grandchildren then his own children.

Q: Should we execute devotional service when it is comfortable and we have less material difficulties?
A: It is not a matter of being in a comfortable situation, but wherever it is conducive to practice devotional service we should do there and practice. For ex, many of you might not have come to devotional service had you not come to Australia, do you agree with that? So whatever is conducive to devotional service just do that, if going to India is then do it, if staying in Sydney makes it conducive then do that.

Q: My work atmosphere is not spiritual, what do I do?
A: Create spiritual atmosphere wherever you are through preaching this mission, by indoctrinating them.

H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj in Q & A session with Namahatta leaders @ Sydney

Excerpts from the discussion. Some of point are paraphrased since I couldn't note down the exact wordings.
  • Not that everyone who comes will stay. If the situation is such that everyone is very excited then only people will stay.
  • Let there be a mission statement or goal to look forward to.
  • Temples are the units of Iskcon. Let people visit temples on weekends.
  • Let the regular programs be held on weekdays so that it doesn't cause interference with retreats and visiting devotees classes on weekends.
  • Ultimate consideration should be to bring them to Iskcon and to make them do something in the temple.
  • Spiritual life means service, not just at home but also at the temple.
  • Give them recognition and incite excitement.
  • Set objectives and make things exciting.
  • The mood should not be that it is an Indian program.
  • If only Indians are coming that means there is no preaching at all.
  • Krsna consciousness if presented properly will be appealing to everyone since it has a universal application.
  • How much can a householder do since he has to devote time to the family as well, but a youth even if joins for a short while and leaves does a lot for the society since they bring youthful enthusiasm and have the drive to achieve something.
  • To keep those who are already here and get newer ones to participate.
  • Vaisesika Prabhu from San Jose the biggest book distributor in Iskcon, teaches the householders how to do book distribution and has achieved amazing results.
  • Getting initiation is not important but following is more important.
  • Preaching is a dialogue/communication.
  • Caitanya Mahaprabhu: King, General : Srila Prabhupada, Army: Iskcon, Enemy: Kali. Involvement of soldiers must not just be an intellectual involvement rather it should have a bigger practical side.
  • Don't give much importance to money, Krsna is not poor.

Seminar By H.H.Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj Happiness Simplified Session-1 (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia) Date: 22nd December, 2012

What follows are the excerpts from the 1st session by Guru Maharaj at University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia on 22nd December 2012. I have rephrased in my own words wherever I missed out on Guru Maharaj's exact wordings. Please note that some of the answers, the questions to which I couldn't recollect have been merged into the notes especially at the end.
  • Happiness is a transient consideration. It is a cycle of alternating happiness and pain.
  • Pariprasna means sincere and relevant questions.
  • Questions with proper answers make the exchange so fruitful, exciting and relevant.
  • What is happiness?
  1. fulfillment of desires.
  2. negation/cessation of pain.
  3. gratification of our senses. Matrasparsastu Kaunteya shitoshna sukha dukhada. Matra: degree of, Sparsastu: sense perception.
  • Real happiness is uninterrupted, atyantika sukha.
  • Extreme point of suffering is death.
  • When objects of senses become pleasing to the senses then that is a source of happiness.
  • Knowledge can be acquired in two ways.
  1. Ascending process
  2. Descending process
  • We are being subjected to different suffering conditions due to this material body. eg,  finger and pain inflicted on it, material world as a prison house.
  • This body has been designed to receive pain.
  • When painful state of existence is reduced to some extent then that is known as happiness in this material world. 
  • This body is receiving different experiences through different senses. 
  • Consciousness is flowing through nerves. Brain is the seat of the mind. Nerves are functioning through nerve currents. When nerve currents uninterrupted: happiness, when interrupted: pain.
  • Therefore experience of pain/pleasure is a matter of sense perception.
  • The more subtle the pain, the more acute it is.
  • Our endeavor to enjoy in this body is futile.
  • The mirage is real, but as a reflection.
Q: How do we become quickly materially exhausted to not search for happiness through this material body.
A: It is a matter of intelligence. There are three ways of learning.
  1. By hearing.
  2. By seeing.
  3. By experiencing.
A fourth category never learns even after having experienced it. eg, seeing the food in the mirror and in an attempt to enjoy it the person goes and bangs into the mirror again and again each time with a greater force but a vain attempt.

Q: What is the best way to stabilize our consciousness?
A: Best way to stabilize and improve our consciousness is to accept Srila Prabhupada's instructions and follow them.

Q: What should be done first sadhana or service?
A: First consideration should be your own sadhana, at the same time if possible help others too. Therefore Srila Prabhupada wanted us to preach. So we must,
  1. strive for our own perfection,
  2. help others to achieve the platform of Krsna consciousness, 
  3. preach to others.
Q: What to do if close relatives are not favorable to Krsna consciousness? 
A: If relatives are not receptive, then we should not be held down by them, if they don't come alongwith us then, we should move ahead.

Seminar By H.H.Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj Happiness Simplified Session-2 (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia) Date: 22nd December, 2012

Excerpts from the class
  • Story of King Chitraketu, sovereign ruler of Earth planet.
  • There was no democracy in Vedic concept. Vedic concept supports monarchy. Vedic kings were noble, wise and honest. Democracy is a situation better than the worst.
  • All planets have one king. Moon's presiding king is Somadeva, Vivasvan is the king of Sun planet. The planets are not empty, ocean appears to be empty from the surface.
  • Jupiter dominated by Brihaspati: Guru of demigods.
  • Venus dominated by Sukracharya: Guru of demons.
  • Inspite of being ruler of entire Earth planet Chitraketu Maharaj was unhappy. Angira Rishi accepted invitation of Chitraketu and blessed him for a son. Kritadyuti Chitraketu's wife begot a son. The other wives of Chitraketu became very envious of Kritadyuti and they killed this son. Narada and Angira Rishis came to Chitraketu and asked him what he wanted. His soul was called back and then Chitraketu Maharaj became detached.
  • King Indradyumna became Gajendra the elephant due to the curse of Agatsya muni. Lost all his so called enjoyment when caught by the crocodile and cried out for help to Krsna. 
  • Ultimate objective of our existence is to develop our relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 
  • Positive relationship begins with servitorship which doesn't mean slavery or employment.
  • Expression of our love is through servitorship. A leaf as long as it serves the tree i.e. converts sunlight into food by photosynthesis it remains connected else falls of.
  • Service is always out of love. Therefore Srila Prabhupada used the expression loving devotional service.
  • Happiness is temporary cessation of painful situation. Actually we are not looking for happiness but ananda. Bliss and joy are it's near equivalents.
  • Iskcon is an institution for making pure devotees. If we stay then someday we will achieve perfection.
  • We have the opportunity of being in the spiritual sky right here by rendering service to Krsna.
  • Just consider whether we are loving somebody for our own sake or for Krsna's sake. Therefore care for everyone in relation to Krsna.
Q: What is the best way to chant?
A: When we are chanting, we are asking Krsna for service. Then Krsna sitting in the heart will reveal what he wants from us and chanting will become meaningful when we do that as a service for Krsna.

Q: What is the difference between Sadhkas and Siddhas?
A: Sadhakas are practicing for perfection. Siddhas have achieved perfection.

Q: You mentioned the story of Gajendra in which we see that the crocodile was delivered by Vishnu first. Was it due to it's having held Gajendra a devotee's feet into its mouth for along time? How to serve those devotees who have shed gallons of blood to retain us in the movement till date? Does it fit in the analogy given by Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati correct that it literally takes gallons of blood to make a devotee?
A: It is a good way of looking at it. Yes, mood of gratitude is very favorable.

Seminar By H.H.Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj Happiness Simplified Session-3 (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia) Date: 25th December, 2012

Excerpts from the class.
  • What is the cause of suffering? Although we don't want it still it comes uninvited. The cause is wrong/sinful activities.
  • There are two types of action
  1. Piety
  2. Sinful activity: those which are not desirable.
  • Newton's 3rd law: Perform austerities to get good results.
  • Principle of Karma: good actions (piety) leads to enjoyment, wrong actions (sin) leads to suffering.
  • Karma kanda section teaches you how to fulfill your desires in the right way. eg, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes with the girls on the bank of Ganges who worshiped Lord Shiva to get a good husband (a Vedic injunction).
  • Yad pada pallava yugam... vighnam vihantum almasya jagatrasya it is by mercy of Nrsinghdeva Ganesh acquires the ability to remove the impediments on one's life path.
  • King doesn't need the law, but he creates it for the benefit of the citizens. Breaking the law shows defective mentality.
  • Purpose behind suffering of prisoner is to give them a chance to rectify themselves.
  • Institutional laws are for the smooth functioning and peaceful operation of an institution
  • Dharma is the inherent characteristic of a substance.
  • Difference between a lion and a tiger is that as soon as a tiger sees you, you are in great trouble. Whereas a Lion is noble by nature and won't kill any animal if not hungry.
  • When Krsna tells us to give up all the dharma, he implied to give up your varnasrama dharma. Why? Because he wants to give up this dharma of the body, i.e. varnasrama dharma. Dharma of spirit soul is to love the supreme. Love begins with surrender, especially between senior and junior. Therefore Krsna at end says surrender unto me.
  • Cause of suffering is sin i.e. indulgence in improper or undesirable actions.
  • Prarabdha: sinful/pious activities' mature reactions. Aprarabdha: those reactions which haven't become activated. Kutam: dormant stage. Bijam: sinful activity at a stage of seed. Phalam: almost fructified.
  • Good luck is a result of good karma from the past.
  • Surrender and see what happens to you. The test of the pudding is in eating it. Until and unless one is fully surrendered one must act on the varnasrama platform.
  • Krsna cares about becoming conscious of Him. Seeing how everything is related to Him and how everything can be used to serve Him.
  • Being a fool before spiritual master doesn't mean forfeiting one's intelligence.
  • Spiritual life is considered to be a razor's age because material nature is very precarious, but still Krsna will give him protection, if he is surrendered. When one committs Vaisnava aparadha then even Krsna cannot help.
  • A devotee's mood and prayer to Krsna is, I may even reject You, but please You don't reject me.
  • Krsna consciousness is a matter of purity of heart. I am surrendering everything my mind, body and intelligence unto You. I don't know what to do, now You please take care.
  • We have to be tolerant and compassionate towards others because as one keeps practicing he will become pure.
Q: When we see the spiritual master suffering from a disease how do we understand it?
A: The main consideration is not what is happening to the spiritual master due to the disease, but how he is unaffected by it. The spiritual master sees it as a chance to become fixed up in Krsna consciousness. His attitude is let it happen to the body, I am standing aside.

Q: Krsna says in the 7th canto that He is aware of our problems and asks us to be patient until He solves it. Why does He not solve our troubles immediately? Why does He take so much time? Is the time taken the faith building experience?
A: Krsna's time passes very slowly, so we must be patient and have faith that since we have surrendered to Him, Krsna will take care.
Q: Why do Sannyasis carry a danda?
A: Sannyasis identify that they made a mistake by disregarding Krsna and therefore they carry a danda to remember that.

Q: Can bhakti be achieved by sukriti?
A: Bhakti cannot be achieved by any sukriti as per Vishvanath Chakravarti Thakura in Madhurya Kadambini. Bhakti cannot be given even by Krsna since then he would be called biased and He says samoham sarva bhutesu... One receives bhakti by the mercy of a devotee especially one who is preaching, who goes out of his way to give bhakti.

Q: What is the sign of spiritual progress?
A: Spiritual progress means no doubt. Yes, Krsna is my master, I am His servant and my job is to surrender unto Him.

Q: Why do devotees leave Krsna consciousness when there is suffering?
A: Devotees don't just leave due to suffering but leave due to loss of faith. No matter whatever happens, don't leave the association of devotees.

Seminar By H.H.Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj Happiness Simplified Session-4 (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia) Date: 25th December, 2012

Excerpts from the class.
  • Every aspect of spiritual realm is a person, Krsna, His abode, His paraphernalia are also persons. Balarama expands as articles of service for Krsna.
  • In Vraja ever ything is animate, meaning ecstatic. Everything is moving, not static but ecstatic, meaning conscious infact superconscious.
  • Criteria for entering the spiritual sky is we must be tuned in Krsna consciousness.
  • Dharma is in the form of a bull. Mother Earth is in the form of a cow. Four legs of dharma. When the leg of austerity when broken them meat eating increases. When the leg of mercy is broken then intoxication increases. When the leg of cleanliness is broken then illicit sex increases. When the leg of truthfulness is broken then gambling or falsity increases.
  • When legs of dharma break then legs of adharma grow. When you reject these four sinful activities legs of sin are broken.
  • Kali's business is to introduce adharma. Initially in South Africa during the time of Apartheid intoxication and illicit sex was banned.
  • Krsna consciousness movement or Iskcon is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's arrangement to establish dharma.
  • In order to counteract Kali first we have to practice ourselves. Influence of association of devotees is very powerful. Hrsikesh Prabhu from US gave up Heroin addiction in association of Srila Prabhupada himself.
  • Household life is the life of attachment. In varnasrama one is allowed to act according to his propensities and state of mind.
  • Colon cancer and Osteoporosis have been clinically proven to be caused by meat eating. When meat is digested it rots quickly and becomes toxic. Therefore carnivorous animals have small length of intestines. Whereas the herbivorous animals have long length of their intestines.
  • Due to impurities we become entangled with the body. The spirit soul has attachment for Krsna's service.
  • Purpose of love is to become united with Krsna.
  • Greek dramas end in tragedy. Vedic dramas end in prosperity, peace and joy.
  • None of the materialistic love affairs ever reach there perfection. This love is not meant for anyone but Krsna.
  • If we have to become spiritualized then we must develop our relationship with Krsna. 
  • Happiness is a material consideration, we want rather to become joyful.
  • If we become submerged in spiritual joy, we will feel so much love for Krsna in every activity.
  • When your desire to be with Krsna is powerful and intense enough then Krsna arranges for you to come back. 
  • Kuti: tendency to do bad things. Nati: tendency to act in a way we should not. To be free from Kuti Nati give up Gramya Katha i.e. don't speak anything other than Krsna.
  • Don't stop the tendency to love, but dovetail it or guide it in such a way that we go deeper into it that what is the source or inspiration behind it and then we reach Krsna and love Him.
  • Waiting for an exchange from Krsna is actually our deficiency. Krsna already loves us, it is just that we are not loving Him. It is when our heart becomes full of gratitude then we will begin to love Krsna.
  • The degree of happiness and joy and misery depends on the depth of relationship. Whatever be the experience we must always remember that our business is to become Krsna conscious.
  • Our relationship with Krsna is the real relationship and in that there is no suffering and the deeper one goes the more joy one feels.
  • For serving the vani there is no hindrance or impediment, there may be difficulty in serving the vapu. Service to vani is more important and can be more personal since spiritual master is also in your heart and that awareness can be very deep.
  • When we are sick and we stop our service then we can serve in our subtle body. Transcending our subtle body when we come to the the spiritual platform and render service to Krsna, that is pure devotion.
  • Initially we render devotional service in practice, then we begin to get the taste, the taste is so relishable that then we want it to continue.
  • Make it a point to remember that how it is such a wonderful gift of Krsna (devotees association) then when we love somebody it will be difficult to become judgmental and competitive with him.

H.H Bhakti Charu Swami gave Evening class in Brisbane at HG Janakraj Prabhu's residence on his birthday on 26th December, 2012

Excerpts from the class.
  • Krsna consciousness should be exciting, enriching, enlivening. 
  • How many come to listen to classes is not important how receptive they are is more important.
  • energy + energetic together: Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
  • energy and energetic separate: Radha & Krsna.
  • In Goloka Navadwip they are singing the glories of Krsna, they are always doing Nama Sankirtana.
  • Srila Prabhupada created Iskcon for us so that we have the perfect situation to practice our spiritual lives.
  • Wherever we go we have devotees to associate with, worship alongwith, to read, chant and dance with. Therefore because of Iskcon we have these facilities.
  • When spiritual master leaves, the family is still there, this is a family of Iskcon, we are never alone.
  • Never think that Srila Prabhupada has left, he is always there. He is there in vapu and vani. Real aspect of spiritual master is vani or his instructions. 
  • When you are following spiritual master's instructions you are with him.
  • When you are serving his vani then you are actually serving your spiritual master.
  • Then someday if we become eligible to enter into the spiritual world then we will again be with the spiritual master. 
  • Spiritual master actually allures us to the spiritual world. When you serve the vani aspect, then you become qualified to enter the spiritual world.
  • Death can come at any time, we must always be prepared. No regrets for the past always looking forward. 
  • A devotee's prayer is, "O my dear Krsna, please never let me forget you."
  • Point from Nectar of Devotion which struck Guru Maharaj and he accepted Srila Prabhupada as his spiritual master.
  1. Five kinds of liberation and Guru Maharaj knew only the negative one.
  2. God is a person.
  • Generally a devotee doesn't want to come back. Once bitten, twice shy.
  • But to be a devotee also means to be surrendered to Krsna's will. I don't have any preference, or desire. If Krsna wants I will come back. 
The class was followed by a staging of Ujjain DVD and then a sumptuous feast cooked by Sripati Prabhu, Vrindavaneshwari Mataji and others constituting Pizzas, Pastas and loads of ice cream.